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峡谷小菜鸡 该用户已被删除
2020-9-5 22:05:34 峡谷小菜鸡 楼主 545990
Promo Name
Internet Promo Details
How to Register
  • 100MB data
  • 100MB everyday of facebook and Messenger
  • Unlimited texts to all networks
  • Unlimited calls to TNT/Smart/Sun
Dial *123# > SURFSAYA > 100MB, 2 days, P202 Days₱20
  • 300MB data
  • 100MB everyday of Facebook and Messenger
  • Unlimited texts to all networks
  • Unlimited calls to TNT/SMART/Sun
Dial *123# > SURFSAYA > 300MB, 3 days, P203 Days₱30

TNT All Day Promos
One of the popular internet data promos of TNT are the All Day Promos. For only ₱20 to ₱30, you can enjoy up to 800MB mobile data in a day or two. However, you cannot stream videos or download files using this promo.
Promo Name
Internet Promo Details
How to Register
All Day 20Access to all sites and apps except video streaming and downloadingText UNLI20 to 55551 Day₱20
All Day 30Access to all sites and apps except video streaming and downloadingText ALLDAY30 to 45452 Days₱30

TNT Gaan Surf Promos
The Gaan Surf Promos, from the name itself, are the best promo that should be availed for those subscribers who only needs light internet surfing or small usage of mobile data. Perhaps if you just want to check your email, few minutes on social media, this is the recommended promo package for you. Internet data comes from 15MB to 1.5GB in the validity period of 1 day to 30 days.
Promo Name
Internet Promo Details
How to Register
Gaan Surf 5
  • 15MB of internet access
  • *15MB Total Consumable Data
Text GAANSURF5 to 45451 Day₱5
Gaan Surf 10
  • 50MB of internet access
  • 100MB of YouTube, Mobile Legends, and Facebook
  • *150MB Total Consumable Data
Text GAANSURF10 to 45451 Day₱10
Gaan Surf 15
  • 100MB of internet access
  • 100MB of YouTube, Mobile Legends, and Facebook
  • *200MB Total Consumable Data
Text GAANSURF15 to 45452 Days₱15
Gaan Surf 20
  • 200MB of internet access
  • 100MB of YouTube, Mobile Legends, and Facebook
  • *300MB Total Consumable Data
Text GAANSURF20 to 45453 Days₱20
Gaan Surf 30
  • 300MB of internet access
  • 200MB of YouTube, Mobile Legends, and Facebook
  • *500MB Total Consumable Data
Text GAANSURF30 to 45455 Days₱30
Gaan Surf 50
  • 500MB of internet access
  • 200MB of YouTube, Mobile Legends, and Facebook
  • *700MB Total Consumable Data
Text GAANSURF50 to 45457 Days₱50
Gaan Surf 150
  • 1.5GB of internet access
  • 750MB of YouTube, Mobile Legends, and Facebook
  • *2.25GB Total Consumable Data
Text GAANSURF150 to 454530 Days₱150

TNT Surf Max Promos
On the other hand, if you are a heavy mobile internet data user, then the Surf Max Promos are recommended for you. You can enjoy up to 800MB mobile internet data which you can use to access to all websites, applications, and download files.
Promo Name
Internet Promo Details
How to Register
Surf Max 50
  • 800MB data
Text SurfMax50 to 45451 Day₱50
Surf Max 299
  • 800MB data per day
Text SurfMax299 to 45457 Days₱299
Surf Max 999
  • 800MB data per day
Text SurfMax999 to 454530 Days₱999

TNT Panalo Data and Combo Promos
Moreover, one of the newest internet promo packages of TNT are the Panalo Data and Combo Promos. The Panalo Data offers large chuck of internet data while the Panalo Combo offers mobile data plus calls and texts. Register to the one the suites your needs.
Promo Name
Internet Promo Details
How to Register
Panalo Data 30
  • 500MB mobile internet data
  • 200MB per day Facebook access
Text PDATA30 to 45452 Days₱30
Panalo Data 60
  • 1GB mobile internet data
  • Unlimited texts to all networks
Text PDATA60 to 45455 Days₱60
Panalo Combo 30
  • 200MB mobile internet data
  • 60 minutes calls to TNT/Smart/Sun
  • Unlimited texts to all networks
Text PC30 to 45453 Days₱30
Panalo Combo 60
  • 500MB mobile internet data
  • 100 minutes calls to TNT/Smart/Sun
  • Unlimited texts to all networks
Text PC60 to 45457 Days₱60

TNT Tropa Apps (Internet Apps Promos)
So if you are the type of user that only needs to access favorite apps on your phone such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Clash of Clans among others, then TNT Tropa Apps promos are the best options for you. It lets you access only apps that you want to register. Check out the table below.
Promo Name
Internet Promo Details
How to Register
Clash of Clans 10Access to Clash of ClansText COC10 to 45453 Days₱10
Facebook 10Access to FacebookText FB10 to 45453 Days₱10
twitter 10Access to TwitterText TWITTER10 45453 Days₱10
Instagram 10Access to InstagramText IG10 to 45453 Days₱10
YouTube 10100MB of YouTubeText YOUTUBE10 to 45453 Days₱10
Viber 10Access to ViberText VIBER10 to 45453 Days₱10
Wattpad 10Access to WattpadText WATTPAD10 to 45453 Days₱10
We Chat 10Access to We ChatText WECHAT10 to 45453 Days₱10
Mobile Legends 10Access to Mobile LegendsText ML10 to 45453 Days₱10
Clash of Clans 991.5GB for COC game appText COC99 to 454530 Days₱99
Facebook 991.5GB for Facebook app and siteText FACEBOOK99 to 454530 Days₱99
YouTube 991.5GB for YouTube app and siteText YOUTUBE99 to 454530 Days₱99
Tropa Load 150
  • 100MB for Facebook, Twitter, Viber, CoC and Dubsmash per day
  • +Unlimited texts to all networks
  • +60 minutes calls to TNT/Smart and Sun Cellular per day
Text TROPA150 to 454515 Days₱150

使用道具 举报 回复
2020-9-5 22:05:34 馥琳
使用道具 举报 回复
2020-9-19 09:29:58 乔微博
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使用道具 举报 回复
2020-9-20 20:23:14 123456790
使用道具 举报 回复
2020-9-26 02:21:41 馥琳
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使用道具 举报 回复
2024-8-14 04:48:02 馥琳
https://uih.cc USDT自助兑换PHP(仅限菲律宾地区使用)
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